School classes Dortmund - SIGHT2SIGHT
School classes Dortmund
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6 Tours for school classes in Dortmund

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Questions & Answers School classes Dortmund

What tours for school classes do you offer in Dortmund?

We offer a variety of exciting and educational tours for school classes in Dortmund, including city tours, museum visits and excursions into nature.

For which age groups are your tours for school classes in Dortmund suitable?

Our tours for school classes in Dortmund are suitable for all age groups, from primary school pupils to senior classes.

How long do the tours for school classes in Dortmund usually last?

The duration of our tours for school classes in Dortmund varies depending on the programme, but is usually between 2 and 4 hours.

Are the tours for school classes in Dortmund barrier-free?

Many of our tours for school classes in Dortmund are barrier-free, please check the specific requirements before booking.

How many students can take part in a tour for school classes in Dortmund?

The maximum number of participants for our tours for school classes in Dortmund is 30 students per group. After that, 2 city guides are used.

How far in advance should we book a tour for our school classes in Dortmund?

We recommend booking tours for school classes in Dortmund at least 4 weeks in advance to ensure availability.

Are the tours for school classes in Dortmund independent of the weather?

Some of our tours for school classes in Dortmund take place indoors and are weather-independent, but other outdoor activities may have to be adapted or postponed in the event of bad weather.

Tours in Dortmund for school classes: Education and fun combined

Dortmund offers a wide range of exciting and educational tours for school classes. Whether historical sights, modern industrial culture or the fascinating world of football - here pupils can acquire new knowledge in an entertaining way. Professional guides accompany the classes and convey interesting facts and background information in an age-appropriate way. Interactive elements and the fun of learning are always at the forefront. The tours can be flexibly adapted to the needs and interests of the respective school classes. This makes the excursion to Dortmund an unforgettable experience that perfectly combines education and entertainment. Discover the many possibilities Dortmund has to offer with your class and make the school trip a highlight of the school year.

Tours for school classes - discover Dortmund in a new way

Dortmund is a city full of surprises and contrasts. With tours specially tailored to school classes, you and your pupils can get to know the city from a completely new perspective. Immerse yourself in Dortmund's exciting history, from its beginnings as a Hanseatic city to its eventful recent past. Explore the impressive industrial monuments that bear witness to the former importance of the Ruhr region and are now used as cultural centres and event locations. Or let yourself be carried away by the fascination of football and visit the most famous locations around BVB. The experienced guides will customise the tour to the wishes and age of your school classes and ensure an entertaining and educational experience with interactive elements and exciting anecdotes. In this way, Dortmund becomes a lively place of learning for your pupils, where history, culture and sport become tangible.

Tours in Dortmund for school classes: Excursions that make the school trip special

A school trip to Dortmund promises unforgettable experiences and valuable learning. With customised tours, you can introduce your students to the city's highlights in a way that will inspire and leave a lasting impression. Whether it's an exciting journey through Dortmund's history, an exploration tour of the fascinating industrial culture or a visit to the legendary football stadiums - the options are varied and can be perfectly adapted to the interests and age of the school classes. The dedicated guides know how to use interactive elements, exciting stories and age-appropriate knowledge transfer to create an atmosphere in which learning is fun. This makes the school trip an experience that your pupils will remember for a long time to come. Make your trip to Dortmund an unforgettable highlight and book a tour today that is perfectly tailored to your school classes.

Why tours for school classes in Dortmund are really worthwhile

Tours for school classes in Dortmund are a great way to combine education and entertainment in a unique way. The city offers a wealth of exciting sights and places of learning that are perfect for an unforgettable school trip. Professional guides accompany the classes and ensure an all-round successful experience with age-appropriate knowledge transfer, interactive elements and entertaining anecdotes. Whether history, industrial culture or football - Dortmund has the right tour for every taste and age. The focus is always on the needs and interests of the school classes. Book a customised tour today and turn your school trip to Dortmund into an experience that will inspire your pupils and leave a lasting impression. Get to know Dortmund at its best and look forward to an excursion full of fun, knowledge and unforgettable moments.

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5 reasons why it's worth organising tours for school classes in Dortmund:

1. educationTours for school classes in Dortmund offer an excellent opportunity to familiarise pupils with important historical and cultural aspects of the city. The pupils can learn in a vivid and interactive way.

2. a change from everyday school lifeAn excursion with a guided tour offers a welcome change from normal lessons. Students will find the tours for school classes in Dortmund an exciting enrichment.

3. strengthening class cohesionShared experiences outside the classroom promote cohesion and relationships within the class. Tours for school classes in Dortmund are a great opportunity to do something as a group and create great memories.

4. getting to know your home townFor students from Dortmund, the tours offer a great opportunity to get to know their own home town better. They will discover new, interesting places and learn more about the history and culture of Dortmund.

5. professional realisationTours are led by experienced guides who cater to the needs and interests of school classes. You can be sure that the tours are designed to be age-appropriate and informative.